The Full Story
How to Upload Music on
Dance Comp Genie
This page will help you upload your music to Dance Comp Genie. Once you have uploaded music, your account will always hold these tracks for you!

Step One
Sign into your Dance Comp Genie Account and your Dashboard will come up. You will see the PINK button. Click on "Upload Music"
Step Two
Click on "Choose File" and start uploading your music. Your music needs to be either a mp3 or m4a file. DCG will flag the track if isn't correct or doesn't play properly.

Final Step
After you have uploaded music, click each one to play to ensure its for the correct category .Even if the song title is not correct on the left, still upload the correct music you want to play for that category.
If you make a mistake you can re upload over the one you don't need.
If you see UPLOAD FROZEN: It will show after the date has passed to upload music or this location is not open yet. Once the due date to upload music is passed and music upload is frozen you cant adjust your music