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This is a step by step guide on how to enter your Troupes through Dance Comp Genie. Once your Dancers and Routines have been added, they are a part of your account and you can simply transfer the Routines to each Competition easily!

How to Enter Troupes
on Dance Comp Genie

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Step One

"Add New Account"

This Account name will be your Studio's Name that would you like in the Program

eg CMP Dance

Step Two

Passport Login Information

Create a Studio Account and input all information on this page. This will need to be the email address where the program and all other information will be sent to. Fill out all fields with and *


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Step Three

"Add New Registration"

This will now take you to your Dashboard. All Competitions you've entered will be shown here. Click on "Add New Registration" to get started.

Step Four

"Add Event"

"Select an Event", this is the venue and date that youd like to enter. 

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Step Five

"Import Dancers"

Click on "Import Dancers" and follow the steps. Download the excel spreadsheet and fill out your dancers details

Step Six

"Excel Spreadsheet"

Start to fill out your students details. Doesn't matter what order you put in the dancers.

Make sure to fill out the spreadsheet properly

1. First & Last name

2. DOB - must be typed in Month,Date then Year and also add a 0 if the month or date is one number eg 01/12/2010

3. Fill out Gender & Role (Dancer)

4. Email address - please imput the email you wish to receive the program and eisteddfod information to. You can use the one email address for all your competitors. Just copy and paste. 


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Step Seven

"Export Spreadsheet"

Once you've entered all your dancers info.

Click "File"

Click "Export to"

Click the CSV file, then next

Then save on your desktop

Step Eight

Once your import is done, you will go back to this page and start to add your first routine.

Type in the name of your Routine and click on it. Then automatically your list of dancers will pop up.

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Step Nine

Click "Add" on all the Dancers names that are in that particular routine. This will automatically put you in small or large troupe and the average age of the troupe. The click "Done" once you added all the competitors for that routine. 

Step Ten

Now you will chose the "Category" eg jazz, tap etc. You'll also need to type in the "Routine Length" of the song. Then click "Save".

You will repeat this process till all the routines you're entering are done.

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Step Eleven

Once you've entered all your routines, you'll see what category, age group etc your routines have been entered in to. Then click on "Continue to Checkout"

Step Twelve

Fill out your Bank Details. Please make sure your account and address details are all correct. Then Click on the rules and regulations then click pay. 

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Final Step

Your Registration is all Complete!!

Then only step you need to complete is to upload your music onto Dance Comp Genie.


Well done! :)

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